

Aerolíneas Plus pondrá en marcha un nuevo concepto en la selección de los pasajeros más frecuentes.

As an Oro or Platino member your loyalty is rewarded.

In Aerolineas Plus we want to distinguish those who fly with us by providing a membership designed for them: Elite members, in their Oro, Platino and Diamante categories. A way to recognize and offer them more and better benefits when traveling.

To reach these categories, it is necessary to comply with any of these requirements during the last 12 months.


25.000 qualification Miles*

30 air segments

15.000 qualification Miles* & 15 segments

10,000 basic air miles*, 10 air segments (which award miles) and 18,000 basic milesfrom banks**


50.000 qualification Miles*

60 air segments

30.000 qualification Miles* and 30 segments


70,000 basic air miles*

80 air segments (which award miles)

40,000 basic air miles* and 40 air segments (which award miles)

*Basic air miles: Those obtained by making a flight according to the fare paid, not counting the extra miles granted by the status of Oro/Platino/Diamante member or the miles that are awarded for eventual promotions. Only the flights made and accredited by Aerolíneas Argentinas and the companies of SkyTeam Alliance will be taken into account for the evaluation of the Elite categories. Flights made by partner airlines will not be taken into account for the evaluation of the categories.

**Basic bank miles: Those obtained by the consumption paid with the credit cards associated with the Aerolíneas Plus Program, not including those granted by special promotions and/or specific bonuses by the banks. Validity of this new segmentation: March 2018.

Nota: New Diamante category: Effective since September 2019.

Important: la evaluación de la cuenta se realiza en forma mensual. Una vez alcanzada la categoría, tu membresía estará vigente a partir del mes siguiente por el período de 1 año.
Only members older than 12 years can be Elite members.